
"Gaza is the biggest Open air Prison"




Maldives Foreign Minister Abdullah Shahid labels Gaza as the biggest 'Open air Prison' and calls for immediate humanitarian aid.

Shahid made the statement while speaking at the 75th UN General Assembly on Gaza-Israel issue held on 20th May 2021. Addressing the UN General Assembly Minister Shahid condemned the ongoing violence against the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip.

He reiterated the call to immediately halt the military aggression. The Minister also called for unimpeded access to humanitarian and medical personnel and supplies. He further noted that actions that undermine past and ongoing efforts for lasting peace, actions that undermine the security of the region and beyond, must be stopped.

The joint debate is being held under agenda items 37 entitled "The situation in the Middle East" and 38 entitled "Question of Palestine", in New York. The meeting was convened at the request of the Permanent Representative of Niger to the United Nations and the Permanent Representative of Algeria to the United Nations, who currently chair the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the Arab Group in New York, respectively.

