
Dr. Waheed's Grandson Appointed to Maldives Embassy in London


Zain Rasheed


In a move that has sparked renewed concerns over nepotism in government appointments, Ijaz Waheed Goodrich, the American-Maldivian grandson of former President Dr. Mohamed Waheed, has been appointed as Second Secretary at the Maldives High Commission in London. The appointment comes at a time when the government has repeatedly promised to adopt austerity measures amid growing criticism of the foreign ministry's hiring practices.

Mr. Goodrich, who grew up in the United States, takes on this diplomatic role while the Maldives Ministry of Foreign Affairs faces heavy scrutiny, especially on social media. The ministry has been dubbed the "Ministry of Nepotism" by critics who allege that it is filled with relatives of senior politicians, including ministers, members of parliament, and ambassadors.

The appointment is especially notable given former President Dr. Waheed's public criticism of President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu during the 2023 presidential campaign. Dr. Waheed had aligned himself with Qasim Ibrahim, one of the opposition figures during the election. This appointment has raised eyebrows given the ongoing political dynamics and the government's vows to implement austerity.

Despite promises to rein in spending, the placement of relatives of prominent politicians in key positions continues to fuel public discontent. Many are questioning the government's sincerity in cutting costs and addressing the broader issue of patronage within government institutions.

