
Two Maldivian Deputy Ministers Resign After 9-Month Suspension Over Remarks Against Indian PM


Zain Rasheed


Malé, Maldives – After nine months in suspension, two Maldivian deputy ministers, Mariyam Shiuna and Malsha Shareef, have resigned following their controversial remarks mocking Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Both officials, along with Deputy Minister Abdulla Mahzoom Majid, had been suspended in January after their public comments against PM Modi sparked outrage, leading to significant diplomatic and economic consequences for the Maldives.

The ministers' comments triggered a wave of backlash from Indian celebrities and high-ranking officials, who launched a “Boycott Maldives” campaign that severely impacted the country's tourism industry, one of its primary economic sectors. The suspension of the three deputy ministers came amid public and diplomatic pressure from India, a key partner to the Maldives.

Despite being suspended, the ministers continued to receive their full salary packages. Today, Shiuna and Shareef formally submitted their resignations, while the third deputy minister, Abdulla Mahzoom Majid, remains in suspension.

The timing of the resignations is notable, coming just hours after the President's Office confirmed that President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu is preparing for an official visit to India. According to presidential spokesperson Heena Waleed, both governments are currently working on setting a convenient date for the visit.

President Muizzu’s upcoming trip to India is seen as an effort to strengthen bilateral relations, which have been strained since the “Boycott Maldives” campaign. The resignations are likely intended to smooth over tensions as diplomatic preparations for the visit continue.

The Maldives' relationship with India remains a critical element in the nation’s foreign policy, especially given India's influence in the region and the Maldives’ reliance on Indian tourists.

